Template:Infobox book

From Pornopedia, the sexy encyclopedia
Revision as of 14:16, 3 December 2021 by Till Kraemer (talk | contribs) (-Google+, -MyVideo, youtubelink.)
{{Infobox book
| Title          = 
| Image          = 
| Caption        = 
| Original title = 
| Author         = 
| Translator     = 
| Illustrator    = 
| Cover design   = 
| Genre          = 
| Publisher      = 
| Release date   = 
| Binding        = 
| Pages          = 
| Dimensions     = 
| Weight         = 
| Language       = 
| Land           = 
| ISBN           = 
| Mail-order     = 
| Website        = 
| Blogger        = 
| Dailymotion    = 
| Facebook       = 
| MySpace        = 
| RSS            = 
| Twitter        = 
| YouTube        = 