
Revision as of 12:17, 14 March 2017 by Till Kraemer (talk | contribs) (+Suggestions.)

Pornopedia is an erotic encyclopedia.

Suggestions are always welcome!


Shows one of currently 6,380 pages.



To create a new page please enter the name of the topic into the search box (on the left) and you'll be prompted to "create this page". Just click the red link.

Please double-check if you typed in the name of the topic correctly. If you submit movie titles please use "Back to the Roots" instead of "Back To The Roots" .

Don't use long subtitles when submitting book names, i.e. use: "Und damit: Buster!" instead of "Und damit: Buster! Dolly Busters ultimativer Sex- und Beziehungsratgeber".

For articles about actors you can use this style sheet.


Please don't submit links to pages containing explicit content in the free area (i.e. on the tour pages), or use Template:AVS.

External links

In the interest of simplicity and maintainability, there is a maximum of three links in the "External links" section (plus social networks in the infobox):
Link 1: Download
Link 2: DVD
Link 3: Official website (if it has no explicit content in the free area, i.e. on the tour pages) or official MySpace site

Please add additional links in the references section only.


If you own the rights to a soft image or have the permission to publish it, we would love to have it on Pornopedia. If you want to give us the nonexclusive right to publish your image on Pornopedia, please send it to [email protected]. Thanks!

Please send pics without branding/visible watermark. We try to avoid brandings/visible watermarks/logos/URLs on images so that an article looks more like a dictionary entry and not like an advertisement.

Some images are already in the Pornopedia Pool:


Videos can be embedded like this:


XFumCyxSJW8 is the part right after the YouTube URL

<videoflash type="googlevideo">1234567</videoflash>
<videoflash type="myvideo">1234567</videoflash>
<videoflash type="sevenload">XYZ</videoflash>
<videoflash type="revver">1234567</videoflash>


{{#ev:blip|<full URL>}}


If you want to translate an article, a tool like wReplace can be helpful. It can replace multiple phrases at once like "[[Pornodarsteller]]in" for "[[Porn actor|porn actress]]" and "(Erscheinungsdatum)" for "(release date)" and it even can translate whole infoboxes.

You can also do this by creating a macro in Notepad++.

Be careful though and check the result before you copy it into the new article.


  • Upload

If you want to upload a picture to Pornopedia please send it to [email protected] among with the name of the article. The picture should be at least 600 pixels in height and softcore. Please send only pictures you hold the copyright of and which you are allowed to publish.

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Shows the Serbian version of an article.

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If you want to ask other Pornopedia users for help or anything else or if you want to make correction suggestions for an article, you can just contact them via talk page or e-mail.

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Sipzz Diskussion (New posting) Send e-mail Swedish, English Sweden
Till Kraemer Talk page (New posting) Send e-mail German, English Germany
Иван Разговор са корисником (New posting) Send e-mail Serbian, English Serbia