Step 1
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Step 2
First, please make sure that you are on the page of the correct Pornopedia language version where you want to publish the article. Make sure you are not on the Pornopedia Data site or the Pornopedia Pool site by mistake. Please enter the name of the article you want to create in the "Search Pornopedia" field above and click on the "Search" button. Please pay attention to the correct spelling of the article name. If the article does not yet exist, you will be offered to create it. Now, please click on the red name of the article you want to create. Now you will be taken to the editor, where you can edit the article. In the case of a person, e.g. an actress, it is advisable to copy the actor style sheet and fill out a kind of profile (infobox), filmography and categories. If you're having trouble formatting a table (e.g. filmography or press coverage), simply write the titles down in a list and someone else will take care of the formatting. If you cannot or do not want to provide any information such as shoe size, simply leave the relevant field blank. |
Step 3
LifeRight below the profile (infobox), you can start with the biography, which can be short or long, but (like the entire article) should be worded as neutrally as possible. What does as neutral as possible mean? You can write that an actress has beautiful long hair and a sexy body, that she can move well, or that fans are enthusiastic about her butt. But please avoid wording that could be from an advertising brochure, something like: "Film X is an absolute blast: Susi gives it her all and fucks her way through the entire apartment at world champion level!" Such subjective formulations are completely okay in quotes though, so something like: "Susi: “The shoot was an absolute blast: we gave it our all! My scene partners fucked me all over the apartment at a world-champion level!”". You are welcome to include something like that in the article. Quotes make the article more lively. A good book on writing is "Writing Tools (10th Anniversary Edition): 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer" or "Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer". Please note the Pornopedia:Copyrights. LinksPlease only use external links in the external links section, in the infobox and in the references. Otherwise, please use internal links to other Pornopedia articles; You create these with square brackets: External linksIn the interest of simplicity and maintainability, the external links section should generally be limited to the three most important links. Typically these are: link 1: download, link 2: DVDs, link 3: official website. Attention: Only use the current templates for the first two links, not your own affiliate links! ReferencesYou can create references with Here is an example with a name: <ref name="Name">[ link description], name of the website, date if applicable (e.g. for newspaper articles)</ref> == References == {{reflist|2}} If you enter a name for the reference, you can then use it multiple times in the article with AVSFor links to pages containing explicit content in the free area, please use AVS templates. The links will be hidden from users that are not logged in. For the Infobox, please use "Website AVS" instead of "Website" and "Twitter AVS" instead of "Twitter". Please enter the complete URL. For links in the external links section, please use the External link AVS template. Please enter the complete URL and the title of the link, like this: For references, please use the Reference AVS template. Please enter the complete URL and the title of the link, like this: |
Step 4
You can start with the filmography right under the biography and add categories at the very end of the page. Please only link films internally if there are articles about them or if you plan to create them anytime soon. When you're finished, please click on the "Show preview" button. Please check whether your information is correct. If not, you can now change it. Now, please click the "Save page" button. |
Step 5
Thank you very much and congratulations, your first article is online! :) If you want to edit the article in the future, just click on "Edit" or "Edit source" above. If you would like to include an image in the article and if you own the rights to a soft image or have permission to publish it: Great, we would love to have your picture on Pornopedia! If you want to give us the nonexclusive right to publish your image on Pornopedia, please send it to The longer side of the photo should be at least 550 pixels, the image should not be pornographic but nude photos are welcome :) Also, it should not contain a branding. Thanks! You can find more information in the help section. If you have any further questions or are unsure how to do something, please write on this talk page, send a mail or join the Pornopedia Telegram group; alternatively, you can ask your question on the Pornopedia Discord server. |