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Welcome to Pornopedia, the erotic encyclopedia that everyone can edit. Pornopedia is a Wiki project to create a free knowledge base about pornography, erotica, sexuality and everything related to it including actors, directors, movies, books, toys. Pornopedia contains 6,379 articles in English supervised by 1 active users. Feel like writing? Please check out the help section.

Today's featured article

Ero Chains is a chain fashion shop.

Since 2008, The label "Ero Chains" is on the market. Ero Chains is a trendsetter in Chain Fashion.

Ero Chains has transported the medieval art of "chain braiding" into the presence and "diverted from its intended use" through new designs.

Especially the sections eroticism, swingers, film and show benefits from the masterly skill, since Ero chains can develop cross-over products through collaborations with other labels. Materials like vinyl, leather and fabric are used. Therefore nearly all customer requests can be realized.

Ero Chains has a broad portfolio of designs, which covers the sections clothing, lingerie, accessories and jewelry. more

On this day...


Inside Alexis Crystal
Inside Alexis Crystal

Did you know...

  • During Axillism penis penetrates the armpit.
  • Creampie, also called internal cum or internal cumshot, is a sexual practice and is often practiced in the porn industry. It describes the ejaculation in the vagina, mouth or anus (cum-inside) and the subsequent leakage of the sperm.
  • During Fellatio the penis is stimulated by mouth, tongue or teeth, often till orgasm. If the penis reaches the larynx, the technique is called deep throat.
  • Pyrophilia is the sexual arousal caused by playing with fire. This includes wax games.
  • Squirting is the colloquial term for female ejaculation in the context of pornography.