Poke her

Poke her is a porn movie published by Vivid.
Release date: January 26, 2005
Language: English
Directed by: Bo Edwards
Written by: R. Eye
Producer: Shylar Cobi
Executive producer: Toni Brooks
Associate producer: Toby Farelle
Production manager: Shylar Cobi
- Brooke: Chelsea
- Evan Stone: Steve
- Joel Lawrence: Big Dick
- Jordan Haze: Stripper 2
- Mercedez: Shelly
- Nick Manning: Nick
- Peter Shaft: Mike
- Savanna Samson: Stripper 1
- Victoria Givens: Andrea
- Yasmine Vega: Fedrika
Tagline: Want to double down?
Steve is an undercover reporter who will do anything to get an exclusive story on the "strip poker" scene. In order to get in on this new phenomenon, he enters a "strip poker championship". Mercedez becomes Steve's poker teacher, and shows him a few tricks of the trade.